Scandinavian Antiques

Välkommen - Explore Scandinavian antiques on Antiques Atlas, featuring mid-century modern furniture, folk art, and textiles from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Perfect for collectors of Scandinavian design.

Found 229 For Sale and Sold    ( 62 for sale )  
Vintage Laminated Sculptural Bar Stool£750 $935.03   €896.33 Vintage Laminated Sculptural Bar StoolMarylebone Antiques Scandinavian Painted Two Door Cupboard£1190 $1483.57   €1422.17 Scandinavian Painted Two Door CupboardNewark Antiques And Interiors Painted Two Door Gustavian Style Cupboard£1250 $1558.38   €1493.88 Painted Two Door Gustavian Style CupboardNewark Antiques And Interiors Blue Painted Scandinavian Kitchen Table£975 $1215.53   €1165.22 Blue Painted Scandinavian Kitchen TableNewark Antiques And Interiors
Pair Blue Painted Gustavian Style Commodes£3430 $4276.18   €4099.19 Pair Blue Painted Gustavian Style CommodesNewark Antiques And Interiors Amazing Scandinavian Biedermeier Style Birch Sofa£1995 $2487.17   €2384.22 Amazing Scandinavian Biedermeier Style Birch SofaPhilip Hunt Antiques Early 19th Century Scandinavian Painted Box£440 $548.55   €525.84 Early 19th Century Scandinavian Painted BoxNewark Antiques And Interiors Small Vintage Scandinavian Posy Vase, Danish£295 $367.78   €352.55 Small Vintage Scandinavian Posy Vase, DanishLondon Fine Antiques
Vintage Scandinavian Posy Vase, Danish, Art Glass£395 $492.45   €472.06 Vintage Scandinavian Posy Vase, Danish, Art GlassLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Milk Jug, Scandinavian, Art Glass, Pitcher£495 $617.12   €591.57 Vintage Milk Jug, Scandinavian, Art Glass, PitcherLondon Fine Antiques Dutch Bayonet And Scabbard Rare£345 $430.11   €412.31 Dutch Bayonet And Scabbard RareSovereign Antiques Scandinavian Glass Small Decanter Designer Rare£269 $335.36   €321.48 Scandinavian Glass Small Decanter Designer RareFrogabilia
Tall Painted Two Door Cupboard£1875 $2337.56   €2240.81 Tall Painted Two Door CupboardNewark Antiques And Interiors Genuine Viking Norse Beard Or Hair Ring   (5124)£165 $205.71   €197.19 Genuine Viking Norse Beard Or Hair Ring (5124)Antiquarius Duo Of Vintage Flower Sleeves, Scandinavian£395 $492.45   €472.06 Duo Of Vintage Flower Sleeves, ScandinavianLondon Fine Antiques An 18th Century Birch Mangle Board.£525 $654.52   €627.43 An 18th Century Birch Mangle Board.Anthony House Antiques
Vintage Display Vase, Scandinavian, Art Glass£695 $866.46   €830.59 Vintage Display Vase, Scandinavian, Art GlassLondon Fine Antiques Large Vintage Conical Flower Vase, Scandinavian£395 $492.45   €472.06 Large Vintage Conical Flower Vase, ScandinavianLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Narrow Stem Vase, Scandinavian£295 $367.78   €352.55 Vintage Narrow Stem Vase, ScandinavianLondon Fine Antiques 4 Piece Plated Service By Eric Clements £225 $280.51   €268.9 4 Piece Plated Service By Eric Clements Kadensek And Ward
Scandinavian Bentwood Box£285.00 $355.31   €340.6 Scandinavian Bentwood BoxSunnyside Antiques Mid Century Scandinavian Coffee Table£190.00 $236.87   €227.07 Mid Century Scandinavian Coffee TableCeltic Antiques Leather Bound Scandinavian Books By The Dozen£45 $56.1   €53.78 Leather Bound Scandinavian Books By The DozenNewark Antiques And Interiors Vintage Scandinavian Metal Fox Sculpture£37.00 $46.13   €44.22 Vintage Scandinavian Metal Fox SculptureYore Antiques
Vintage 60s Rya Rug In Cream, Gold And Green Tones£265 $330.38   €316.7 Vintage 60s Rya Rug In Cream, Gold And Green TonesLucian Linnell Vintage Retro Scan Style Waisted Glass Vase£39.00 $48.62   €46.61 Retro Scan Style Waisted Glass VaseYore Antiques Scandinavian Rya Rug£140 $174.54   €167.31 Scandinavian Rya RugNewark Antiques And Interiors Scandinavian Landscape Rocky Fjords At Sunset 19C£350 $436.35   €418.29 Scandinavian Landscape Rocky Fjords At Sunset 19CScandinaviantique