African Antiques

Discover an array of African antiques on Antiques Atlas, offering a diverse range of items including traditional masks, tribal art, taxidermy, geological specimens and unique artifacts from various regions. These pieces showcase the rich cultural heritage and craftsmanship of Africa.

Found 570 For Sale and Sold    ( 205 for sale )  
African Gourd Canteen C.1860s - 1890s£125 $154.88   €150.14 African Gourd Canteen C.1860's - 1890'sSpencelayhs Of Cambridgeshire African Mask Tikar People 19th Century Cameroon £135 $167.27   €162.15 African Mask Tikar People 19th Century Cameroon Spencelayhs Of Cambridgeshire Pair Of 20th Century Tribal Carved Nupe Stools Nig£795 $985.01   €954.87 Pair Of 20th Century Tribal Carved Nupe Stools NigDecorative Modern C19h Hardwood Zanzibar Chest£790 $978.81   €948.87 C19h Hardwood Zanzibar ChestJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative
Zanzibar Chest£750 $929.25   €900.83 Zanzibar ChestRumble Antiques Original Oil On Canvas G R Petereit Cape Town 1903£600.00 $743.4   €720.66 Original Oil On Canvas G R Petereit Cape Town 1903Decoris Fine Art African Senufo Fire Spitter Janus Helmet Mask£395 $489.41   €474.43 African Senufo Fire Spitter Janus Helmet MaskDreams Less Sweet Antiques African Horn / Metal Prestige Knife,c1850£295 $365.51   €354.32 African Horn / Metal Prestige Knife,c1850Curious Antiques
Taxidermy Waterbuck Shoulder Mount £895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Taxidermy Waterbuck Shoulder Mount LT Antiques A Victorian Zulu Assiegai £475 $588.53   €570.52 A Victorian Zulu Assiegai Smiths Vintage A Good Heavy Zulu Assegai£580 $718.62   €696.64 A Good Heavy Zulu AssegaiSmiths Vintage Pip McGarry Original Signed Oil Of Elephants£3650 $4522.35   €4384.02 Pip McGarry Original Signed Oil Of ElephantsTyne Valley Antiques
Large Vintage Display Mask, African, Ironwood£495 $613.31   €594.54 Large Vintage Display Mask, African, IronwoodLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Display Mask, African, Ironwood, Carved£475 $588.53   €570.52 Vintage Display Mask, African, Ironwood, CarvedLondon Fine Antiques North African Round Metal Water Vase£150 $185.85   €180.17 North African Round Metal Water VaseElmgarden Polychrome African Sculpture£345.00 $427.46   €414.38 Polychrome African SculptureSunnyside Antiques
 French Fruitwood Parquetry Table£1250 $1548.75   €1501.38 French Fruitwood Parquetry TableElmgarden Tall Vintage Tribal Mask, Central African£495 $613.31   €594.54 Tall Vintage Tribal Mask, Central AfricanLondon Fine Antiques Antique Chokwe Mask, Central African, Carved£595 $737.21   €714.65 Antique Chokwe Mask, Central African, CarvedLondon Fine Antiques Interesting African Ceremonial Sword & Scabbard£65.00 $80.54   €78.07 Interesting African Ceremonial Sword & ScabbardDaryl Yeates Antiques
African Dogon Bronze Horse & Rider From Mali£325 $402.68   €390.36 African Dogon Bronze Horse & Rider From MaliTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts Small Antique Bronze Pot£85 $105.32   €102.09 Small Antique Bronze PotFlemish Chandeliers Pair African Benin Bronze King/Queen Statues,c1950£280.00 $346.92   €336.31 Pair African Benin Bronze King/Queen Statues,c1950Daryl Yeates Antiques African Benin Bronze Head Of Oba Bronze Bini-Edo£350 $433.65   €420.39 African Benin Bronze Head Of Oba Bronze Bini-EdoDaryl Yeates Antiques
2 Large African Bronze Yoruba Tribal Staff,c1920£595 $737.21   €714.65 2 Large African Bronze Yoruba Tribal Staff,c1920Curious Antiques 19th Century Antique Tribal Ashanti Stool £280 $346.92   €336.31 19th Century Antique Tribal Ashanti Stool Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Vintage Ashanti Stool£260 $322.14   €312.29 Vintage Ashanti StoolJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative  Ancient Preparation Table, Now Rustic Coffee Tabl£1250 $1548.75   €1501.38 Ancient Preparation Table, Now Rustic Coffee TablElmgarden