Tin Antique Kitchenalia

Found 49 For Sale and Sold    ( 11 for sale  38 sold )  
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Art Deco Tin Cake Cutters£38.00 $46.71   €44.91 Art Deco Tin Cake CuttersYore Antiques Antique Edwardian Art Nouveau Tea Caddy £59 $72.53   €69.73 Antique Edwardian Art Nouveau Tea Caddy Select Antiques    Travelers  Sample  Of A   Galvanized Bucket.£95 $116.78   €112.28 Travelers Sample Of A Galvanized Bucket.Michael Allcroft Antiques Large Tea Canister£95 $116.78   €112.28 Large Tea CanisterFernyhough Antiques
Early 20thC Spice Tins£99.00 $121.7   €117.01 Early 20thC Spice TinsTwojays Corner Antiques Downton Abbey’s Kitchen Quality,  Toleware Flour £1750 $2151.28   €2068.33 Downton Abbey’s Kitchen Quality, Toleware Flour Sovereign Antiques Antique Decorative Biscuit Tin, English, Edwardian£125 $153.66   €147.74 Antique Decorative Biscuit Tin, English, EdwardianLondon Fine Antiques A Nice Lyons Tea Tin.£28 $34.42   €33.09 A Nice Lyons Tea Tin.Those Were The Days
A Large Biscuit Tin Embossed Frontage.£15 $18.44   €17.73 A Large Biscuit Tin Embossed Frontage.Those Were The Days Tin Flour Sifter£28.00 $34.42   €33.09 Tin Flour SifterParade Antiques Antique Tea Canister£99 $121.7   €117.01 Antique Tea CanisterAntiques Affair 1 Gill Tin & Brass Cream Pail With Makers Mark  1 Gill Tin & Brass Cream Pail With Makers MarkDaryl Yeates Antiques
Vintage French Tins£45 $55.32   €53.19 Vintage French Tins3 Legged Duck Interiors Antique Cafe (coffee) Tin  Antique Cafe (coffee) TinArt Furniture Antique Biscuit Tin, English, Shop, Edwardian£145 $178.25   €171.38 Antique Biscuit Tin, English, Shop, EdwardianLondon Fine Antiques Rare Antique Huntley & Palmers Globe Biscuit Tin£180.00 $221.27   €212.74 Rare Antique Huntley & Palmers Globe Biscuit TinMad House Oldies
Tole Flour Bin  Tole Flour BinNethermill Antiques A Rowntrees Tin--Pastilles. Clean And Rare£28 $34.42   €33.09 A Rowntrees Tin--Pastilles. Clean And RareThose Were The Days Chavagnat, Paris, France. Set Of Tin Measuring Jug  Chavagnat, Paris, France. Set Of Tin Measuring JugDaryl Yeates Antiques Good Large Tole Canister   Good Large Tole Canister Nethermill Antiques
Big Art Deco “Hille’s Beschuit” Grocers Biscuit Tin  Big Art Deco “Hille’s Beschuit” Grocers Biscuit TinElmgarden Antique Dutch Oven£325 $399.52   €384.12 Antique Dutch OvenCourtyard Antiques 10 Coffee Tins Circa 1950s Nestle France  10 Coffee Tins Circa 1950's Nestle FranceKadensek And Ward Collection Of 22 Vintage Hovis Tins.£395 $485.57   €466.85 Collection Of 22 Vintage Hovis Tins.Collinge Antiques
Pair Of Archibald Knox Design Biscuit Tins  Pair Of Archibald Knox Design Biscuit TinsRed House Antiques Dutch & Belgian Grocers Shop Tea / Coffee Canister  Dutch & Belgian Grocers Shop Tea / Coffee CanisterElmgarden Crawfords Biscuit Tin As Georgian Knife Box  Crawfords Biscuit Tin As Georgian Knife BoxKadensek And Ward Charming Lovell’s Toffee Tin, Bucket,   Charming Lovell’s Toffee Tin, Bucket, Elmgarden
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