Late 19th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 299 For Sale and Sold    ( 80 for sale  219 sold )  
Antique Chemists Mortar & Pestle, French Bronze£295 $365.51   €354.32 Antique Chemist's Mortar & Pestle, French BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Antique Bone Apple Fruit Corer£40 $49.56   €48.04 Antique Bone Apple Fruit CorerKim Antiques 19th Century Boe Apple Corer£46 $56.99   €55.25 19th Century Boe Apple CorerAnthony House Antiques Antique Spirit Kettle, English, Brass, Teapot£595 $737.21   €714.65 Antique Spirit Kettle, English, Brass, TeapotLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Victorian Glass Rolling Pin£46.00 $56.99   €55.25 Antique Victorian Glass Rolling PinYore Antiques Large Kitchen Range Enamel Coffee Urn Samovar£250 $309.75   €300.28 Large Kitchen Range Enamel Coffee Urn SamovarElmgarden Antique Copper And Brass Spirit Kettle And Stand£395 $489.41   €474.43 Antique Copper And Brass Spirit Kettle And StandUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique 19th Century French Set Of 4 Copper Pans£1195 $1480.61   €1435.31 Antique 19th Century French Set Of 4 Copper PansLondon City Antiques
 Art Nouveau Copper & Brass Kettle & Stand C1880£175 $216.83   €210.19 Art Nouveau Copper & Brass Kettle & Stand C1880Penrose Antiques Victorian Brass Milk Skimmer£120 $148.68   €144.13 Victorian Brass Milk SkimmerMiddletons Antiques Antique W & T Avery 4lb Kitchen Beam Scale£185 $229.22   €222.2 Antique W & T Avery 4lb Kitchen Beam ScalePaul Doran Antiques Late 19th Century Dog Feeding Bowl£75.00 $92.93   €90.08 Late 19th Century Dog Feeding BowlCeltic Antiques
Antique Truffle Collecting Trug, German, Oak£1295 $1604.51   €1555.42 Antique Truffle Collecting Trug, German, OakLondon Fine Antiques 19th Century Large Copper Kettle.£155 $192.05   €186.17 19th Century Large Copper Kettle.Michael Allcroft Antiques 19th Century Copper Kettle On A Wrought Iron Stand£325 $402.68   €390.36 19th Century Copper Kettle On A Wrought Iron StandElmgarden A FINE WELSH JAM PAN- Victorian 1880s£145 $179.66   €174.16 A FINE WELSH JAM PAN- Victorian 1880'sThose Were The Days
Antique Victorian French Boulangerie Balance Scale£199 $246.56   €239.02 Antique Victorian French Boulangerie Balance ScaleLucian Linnell Vintage Antique Victorian Brass Spirit Kettle & Stand £385 $477.02   €462.42 Antique Victorian Brass Spirit Kettle & Stand Unique Antiques By Emma Jade DOUGH TROUGH 19th Century£245 $303.56   €294.27 DOUGH TROUGH 19th CenturyDecorativeEclectic W.A.S Benson Kettle On Stand£340 $421.26   €408.37 W.A.S Benson Kettle On StandArt Furniture
Coffee Grinder£295 $365.51   €354.32 Coffee GrinderNewsum Antiques Small Antique Mortar & Pestle Duo, English Ceramic£625 $774.38   €750.69 Small Antique Mortar & Pestle Duo, English CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Antique Mortar And Pestle Duo, English, Ceramic£1195 $1480.61   €1435.31 Antique Mortar And Pestle Duo, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Antique Fireside Kettle, English Copper, Decor£235 $291.17   €282.26 Antique Fireside Kettle, English Copper, DecorLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Ceremonial Bowl, Indian, Ebonised, Dish£595 $737.21   €714.65 Antique Ceremonial Bowl, Indian, Ebonised, DishLondon Fine Antiques An Impressive Large Lidded Tankard Style Milk Jug£250 $309.75   €300.28 An Impressive Large Lidded Tankard Style Milk JugNewsum Antiques Unusual Art And Crafts Copper Hanging Kettle £425 $526.58   €510.47 Unusual Art And Crafts Copper Hanging Kettle Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Pair Of Brass Scales£795 $985.01   €954.87 Antique Pair Of Brass ScalesLondon City Antiques