Early 19th Century Antique Kitchenalia

Found 100 For Sale and Sold    ( 27 for sale  73 sold )  
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Georgian Mahogany Butlers Cutlery Tray£850 $1055.19   €1017.71 Georgian Mahogany Butler's Cutlery TrayLeslie And Baggott Herb Chopper£450 $558.63   €538.79 Herb ChopperNewsum Antiques Heart Trivet With Womens Feet£180.00 $223.45   €215.51 Heart Trivet With Women's FeetBrian Knapp Antiques Regency Sand Timer£2000 $2482.8   €2394.6 Regency Sand TimerVladds Interiors
Petite Georgian Copper Kettle Circa 1820£165 $204.83   €197.55 Petite Georgian Copper Kettle Circa 1820Paul Doran Antiques Antique West Country Cream Skimmer, English, Brass£485 $602.08   €580.69 Antique West Country Cream Skimmer, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques Antique Fireside Warmer, English, Pierced Brass£375 $465.53   €448.99 Antique Fireside Warmer, English, Pierced BrassLondon Fine Antiques Early 19th Century Copper Kettle£125 $155.18   €149.66 Early 19th Century Copper KettlePaul Doran Antiques
Antique Bronze Pestle & Mortar£155 $192.42   €185.58 Antique Bronze Pestle & MortarSelect Antiques Small Pair Of Antique Pistachio Nutcrackers£395 $490.35   €472.93 Small Pair Of Antique Pistachio NutcrackersLondon Fine Antiques  Petite  English Georgian Copper Kettle. £180 $223.45   €215.51 Petite English Georgian Copper Kettle. Michael Allcroft Antiques Garbutts Patent  Butter Churn Robert Boby Ltd£345.00 $428.28   €413.07 Garbutt's Patent Butter Churn Robert Boby LtdThe Lovely Shop Of Things
Herb Chopper£195 $242.07   €233.47 Herb ChopperNewsum Antiques Georgian Mahogany Cutlery Tray. Brass Handle£210 $260.69   €251.43 Georgian Mahogany Cutlery Tray. Brass HandleMiddletons Antiques Circa 1820 Brass Double Heart Trivet£75 $93.11   €89.8 Circa 1820 Brass 'Double Heart' TrivetBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Antique Copper Kettle£65 $80.69   €77.82 Antique Copper KettleDecades Of Antiques
19th Century Butchers Steelyard For Weighing Scale£245 $304.14   €293.34 19th Century Butchers Steelyard For Weighing ScaleElmgarden Antique Bronze Pestle And Mortar£365 $453.11   €437.01 Antique Bronze Pestle And MortarUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Regency Brass Trivet£38.00 $47.17   €45.5 Antique Regency Brass TrivetYore Antiques Pestle And Mortar£95 $117.93   €113.74 Pestle And MortarRod Naylor Antiques
Early 19thC Oak Spoon Rack£250 $310.35   €299.33 Early 19thC Oak Spoon RackMillers Antiques Of Wooler Early 19th Century Copper Kettle And Iron Trivet £545 $676.56   €652.53 Early 19th Century Copper Kettle And Iron Trivet Elmgarden Early 19th Cent. Milk Skimmer£22 $27.31   €26.34 Early 19th Cent. Milk SkimmerChapman Antiques 19th Century Pestle & Mortar.£95 $117.93   €113.74 19th Century Pestle & Mortar.Michael Allcroft Antiques
Goffering Iron Kitchenware£85.00 $105.52   €101.77 Goffering Iron KitchenwareLemon Tree Antiques Dutch Pear Shaped Kettle & Trivet£295 $366.21   €353.2 Dutch Pear Shaped Kettle & TrivetJohn Howkins Antiques Antique Trivet Circa 1800.£85 $105.52   €101.77 Antique Trivet Circa 1800.Nicholas Exham Antiques Early 19th Century Oak Flour Bin£245 $304.14   €293.34 Early 19th Century Oak Flour BinWorboys Antiques And Clocks
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