Georgian Architectural Antiques - Salvage - Reclamation

Found 70 For Sale and Sold    ( 16 for sale  54 sold )  
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Cast Iron Metal Plaque Man And Woman At Well 1760£285 $353.12   €342.31 Cast Iron Metal Plaque Man And Woman At Well 1760Trade Antiques Georgian Lion Front Door Entrance Fixture Knocker£1000 $1239   €1201.1 Georgian Lion Front Door Entrance Fixture KnockerCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Georgian Gilt Brass Lion Front Door Knocker£1000 $1239   €1201.1 Georgian Gilt Brass Lion Front Door KnockerCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Georgian Transom Window  £495.00 $613.31   €594.54 Georgian Transom Window Brian Knapp Antiques
Early 19th Century Set Of Double Castle Door Hinge£1950 $2416.05   €2342.15 Early 19th Century Set Of Double Castle Door HingeElmgarden A  Sandstone Model Of Karlštejn Castle, Prague.£2000 $2478   €2402.2 A Sandstone Model Of Karlštejn Castle, Prague.Youngs Antiques Pair Georgian Doors Princess Dianas Family Home£2500 $3097.5   €3002.75 Pair Georgian Doors Princess Diana's Family HomeWimbledon Furniture Ltd French Late 18thC  Architectural Salvage Château£290 $359.31   €348.32 French Late 18thC Architectural Salvage ChâteauPareglio & Ayres Antiques
Georgian Small Box Of 27 Keys Honble J.A Ellis£1750 $2168.25   €2101.93 Georgian Small Box Of 27 Keys Honble J.A EllisWimbledon Furniture Ltd Large (4ft) Chinese Painted Cart Door, C1790£995 $1232.81   €1195.09 Large (4ft) Chinese Painted Cart Door, C1790Curious Antiques Small Georgian Lion Lead Mask Plaque £300 $371.7   €360.33 Small Georgian Lion Lead Mask Plaque Cheshire Antiques Consultant George II Carved & Gilded Wood & Gesso Fragment£2200.00 $2725.8   €2642.42 George II Carved & Gilded Wood & Gesso FragmentDoe And Hope
A Wrought Iron External Triple Bell & Pull£1200 $1486.8   €1441.32 A Wrought Iron External Triple Bell & PullWestland London A Carved Statuary Marble Chimneypiece Tablet £5600 $6938.4   €6726.16 A Carved Statuary Marble Chimneypiece Tablet Westland London A Simple Brass Rim Lock£1200 $1486.8   €1441.32 A Simple Brass Rim LockWestland London Pair Oak Carving Pediment 18th C£220 $272.58   €264.24 Pair Oak Carving Pediment 18th CAntiques Affair
George III Pine & Gesso Door Surround£2500 $3097.5   €3002.75 George III Pine & Gesso Door SurroundGeorgian Antiques Set Of 8 Fine Quality Chippendale Handles.£60. $74.34   €72.07 Set Of 8 Fine Quality Chippendale Handles.P & M Antiques A Fine And Large Georgian Door Knocker  A Fine And Large Georgian Door KnockerPrometheus Antiques Rare Georgian Architectural Columns Pillars Pilasters  Rare Georgian Architectural Columns Pillars PilastersCotswold House Antiques
Set Of Three Georgian Plaster Wall Brackets  Set Of Three Georgian Plaster Wall BracketsPrometheus Antiques Wonderful Pair 18th Century French Chateau Doors £900 $1115.1   €1080.99 Wonderful Pair 18th Century French Chateau Doors Sussex Antiques And Interiors Georgian Brass Eagle Door Knocker£450 $557.55   €540.5 Georgian Brass Eagle Door KnockerCheshire Antiques Consultant Late 18th Century Roof Finials £825 $1022.18   €990.91 Late 18th Century Roof Finials Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors
Georgian Iron Door Knocker  Georgian Iron Door KnockerDaryl Yeates Antiques Original Georgian Door Knocker  Original Georgian Door KnockerDaryl Yeates Antiques 18th Century Heavy Painted Oak And Iron Oriental D  18th Century Heavy Painted Oak And Iron Oriental DElmgarden 4, 8ft Tall 18th Century Carved Oak Wall Panels  4, 8ft Tall 18th Century Carved Oak Wall PanelsElmgarden
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