Late Victorian Antique Silver Plated
Found 871 For Sale and Sold ( 121 for sale 750 sold )
$165.96 €159.56
Sutherland Cripples Guild - Arts & Crafts Dish.F10 Antiques
$1100.22 €1057.8
Large Antique Presentation Tray, EgyptianLondon Fine Antiques
$325.76 €313.2
Antique Wedgwood Jasper Ware Biscuit BarrelUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$731.43 €703.23
Fantastic Quality Antique Silver Plated Meat CoverUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$553.19 €531.86
Antique English Mappin & Webb Silver Plated TrayPuckerings Antiques
$706.85 €679.59
Victorian Silver Plated Epergne By Walker And HallUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$39.34 €37.82
EPNS - Small Victorian Style Match Box HolderKim Antiques
$768.31 €738.69
Pair Of Antique Mantlepiece Candlesticks, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$79.9 €76.82
A Victorian Four Piece Silver Plate Tea Set. F10 Antiques
$79.9 €76.82
Antler Handled Fish Servers Sheffield 1886.F10 Antiques
$165.96 €159.56
Art Nouveau Silver Plated Candle SticksAcanthus Silver
$460.99 €443.21
Maple & Co Silver Plate Centre Piece Tazza BowlHashtag Curios
$706.85 €679.59
A Lovely Quality Silver Plate Wine CarriageAndrew Lovatt Antiques
$1591.94 €1530.56
Antique Egg Cup Carousel, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques
$153.66 €147.74
Art Nouveau Wmf Comport Jugendstil Instant Antiques
$18.44 €17.73
Victorian Silver Plate Sifter Spoon, Cooper BrosBurnell And Rowe
$362.64 €348.66
Antique Silver Plated Basket By Briddon BrothersPuckerings Antiques
$485.57 €466.85
WMF Silver Plated Plaque By H SchievelkampGuy Ellis Antiques
$215.13 €206.83
2 X Art Nouveau Silver Plate Candlesticks, J DixonBurnell And Rowe
$215.13 €206.83
Lovely Antique Victorian Silver Plated Butter DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$448.69 €431.39
Wonderful Antique Victorian Four Piece Tea Set Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$608.5 €585.04
Quality Antique Silver Plated Claret JugUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$522.45 €502.31
Wonderful Quality Antique Victorian Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$485.57 €466.85
Antique English Silver Plated Cruet Set C.1880Puckerings Antiques
$608.5 €585.04
Rare Antique English Novelty Toast Rack - Wagon Puckerings Antiques
$571.62 €549.58
Antique Art Nouveau Silver Plated Claret JugUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$381.08 €366.39
Two Pairs Large Silver Plated Lobster CrackersLeslie And Baggott
$596.21 €573.22
Pair Of Antique Victorian Silver Plated CandelabraUnique Antiques By Emma Jade