19th Century Antique Silver Plated

Found 1490 For Sale and Sold    ( 272 for sale  1218 sold )  
Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Tantalus £795 $986.28   €953.84 Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Tantalus London City Antiques An Exceptional Pair Of Silver On Copper Candelabra. £195 $241.92   €233.96 An Exceptional Pair Of Silver On Copper Candelabra. F10 Antiques Tureen By Thomas Bradbury, Sheffield.£75 $93.05   €89.99 Tureen By Thomas Bradbury, Sheffield.F10 Antiques Antique Bottle Coaster, English, Silver Plate£895 $1110.34   €1073.82 Antique Bottle Coaster, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Coffee Pot, English, Old Sheffield£895 $1110.34   €1073.82 Antique Coffee Pot, English, Old SheffieldLondon Fine Antiques Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Meat Cover£465 $576.88   €557.91 Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Meat CoverLondon City Antiques Duchess  Of Sutherland Cripples Guild Arts & Crafts £135 $167.48   €161.97 Duchess Of Sutherland Cripples Guild Arts & Crafts F10 Antiques A Pair Of 19th Century Chinese Silver Plated Vases£195 $241.92   €233.96 A Pair Of 19th Century Chinese Silver Plated VasesYoungs Antiques
Victorian Silver Plated Cake Tongs£350.00 $434.21   €419.93 Victorian Silver Plated Cake TongsAntique Architectural Brass Large Antique Presentation Tray, Egyptian£895 $1110.34   €1073.82 Large Antique Presentation Tray, EgyptianLondon Fine Antiques Antique Victorian Glass Silver Plated Claret Jug£525 $651.32   €629.9 Antique Victorian Glass Silver Plated Claret JugUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Wedgwood Jasper Ware Biscuit Barrel£265 $328.76   €317.95 Antique Wedgwood Jasper Ware Biscuit BarrelUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Victorian Cut Glass Decanters & Original Stand£545 $676.13   €653.89 Victorian Cut Glass Decanters & Original StandUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Fantastic Quality Antique Silver Plated Meat Cover£595 $738.16   €713.88 Fantastic Quality Antique Silver Plated Meat CoverUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Set Of Four 19th Century Sheffield Plate Coasters£435 $539.66   €521.91 Set Of Four 19th Century Sheffield Plate CoastersNewark Antiques And Interiors Antique English Mappin & Webb Silver Plated Tray£450 $558.27   €539.91 Antique English Mappin & Webb Silver Plated TrayPuckerings Antiques
Regency Plated Nickel Silver Mustard Spoon£15 $18.61   €18 Regency Plated Nickel Silver Mustard SpoonCheltenham House Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Epergne By Walker And Hall£575 $713.35   €689.89 Victorian Silver Plated Epergne By Walker And HallUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Lovely Pair Of Antique Victorian Candlesticks£145 $179.89   €173.97 Lovely Pair Of Antique Victorian CandlesticksUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Regency Design Silver Plate Tea Pot. £25 $31.02   €30 Regency Design Silver Plate Tea Pot. F10 Antiques
EPNS - Small Victorian Style Match Box Holder£32 $39.7   €38.39 EPNS - Small Victorian Style Match Box HolderKim Antiques Pair Of Gilded Willian IV Campana Shaped Wine Coolers£1600 $1984.96   €1919.68 Pair Of Gilded Willian IV Campana Shaped Wine CoolersGeorgian Antiques Walker & Hall Coffee Pot£95.00 $117.86   €113.98 Walker & Hall Coffee PotSunnyside Antiques Pair Of Antique Mantlepiece Candlesticks, English£625 $775.38   €749.88 Pair Of Antique Mantlepiece Candlesticks, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
A Victorian Four Piece Silver Plate Tea Set. £65 $80.64   €77.99 A Victorian Four Piece Silver Plate Tea Set. F10 Antiques Antler Handled Fish Servers Sheffield 1886.£65 $80.64   €77.99 Antler Handled Fish Servers Sheffield 1886.F10 Antiques Unusual Silver Plate Wine Decanter Or Claret Jug.£195 $241.92   €233.96 Unusual Silver Plate Wine Decanter Or Claret Jug.F10 Antiques Art Nouveau Silver Plated Candle Sticks£135 $167.48   €161.97 Art Nouveau Silver Plated Candle SticksAcanthus Silver