19th Century Antique Textiles and Embroidery
Found 327 For Sale and Sold ( 78 for sale 249 sold )
$179.44 €174.65
Antique Sampler Mary Ayre Aged 8Rams Head Antiques
$488.81 €475.78
George III Embroidered Sampler 1819Paul Hardy Antiques
$309.38 €301.13
Georgian Needlework Of A ParrotPrometheus Antiques
$167.06 €162.61
Georgian Needlework Of A Bird Prometheus Antiques
$327.94 €319.19
Georgian Needlework Of A Blue TitPrometheus Antiques
$493.76 €480.6
Embroidered Silk Sampler Map England-Wales RegencyRocco Antiques
$433.13 €421.58
Fine Victorian Ship Woolwork Prometheus Antiques
$1231.31 €1198.48
Silk Embroidered PanelsSunnyside Antiques
$55.69 €54.2
Antique Mechlin Bobbin Lace BorderCountry House And Eastern Interiors
$612.56 €596.23
William IV Needlework Sampler From 1837Newark Antiques And Interiors
$3093.75 €3011.25
Sampler By Rachel 1831 Oswestry SchoolCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
$235.13 €228.86
Beautiful Early Welsh Narrow Loom BlanketWelsh Vernacular Antiques
$278.44 €271.01
Islamic Wall Hanging / Hammock CradleDaryl Yeates Antiques
$736.31 €716.68
Antique School Sampler, English, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques
$1107.56 €1078.03
Large Antique School Sampler, English, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques
$426.94 €415.55
Wool Sampler - 19th CenturySunnyside Antiques
$303.19 €295.1
Charming Victorian Embroidery Cockerel In CruciforRams Head Antiques
$550.69 €536
Superb Pair Of Needlepoints 1830 Intricate DetailTrade Antiques
$680.63 €662.48
69th Battery Royal Field Artillery Embroidery Elmgarden
$426.94 €415.55
19th Century Woolwork SamplerSunnyside Antiques
$117.56 €114.43
Military Embroidery Vladds Interiors
$433.13 €421.58
Victorian SamplerAthey Antiques
$241.31 €234.88
Rare French Mother Of Pearl Needle Box, C. 1850Julie Cartwright Antiques
$1175.63 €1144.28
Pair Of French Aubusson Tapestries Anthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques
$241.31 €234.88
Victorian Needlework Of A HorsePrometheus Antiques
$365.06 €355.33
Three Late Georgian NeedleworksPrometheus Antiques
$835.31 €813.04
Richard Ansdell John Crossley Carpet MosaicLeslie And Baggott
$278.44 €271.01
Arts And Crafts Period Needlework PicturePrometheus Antiques