Nautical Antiques
Found 510 For Sale and Sold ( 115 for sale 395 sold )
$177.41 €172.22
Half Block Model Yacht Blonde, Summers & PayLincolnshire Antiques
$177.41 €172.22
A Half Block Model Of De We,Scotch Fishing NabbieLincolnshire Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
Brass Bound Oak Barrel SeatCollinge Antiques
$2997.58 €2909.87
18th Century Spanish Colonial Scrimshaw CupKOE Antiques
$1651.73 €1603.4
19th Century Half Mode Of Steam Ship New YorkMartlesham Antiques
$1192.91 €1158.01
Antique Diorama Of Two Sailing Vessels At Sea Robert Belcher Antiques
$758.57 €736.37
Large Vintage Pond YachtJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative
$1584.43 €1538.07
Large Vintage Ship Propeller Display, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$220.23 €213.79
19th Victorian Crested Naval Fire Bucket C1880Welsh Vernacular Antiques
$1529.38 €1484.63
U S Navy Mark V Diving Helmet Military Prototype Elmgarden
$489.4 €475.08
Very Large Pond Yacht Dated 1923 For RestorationKadensek And Ward
$116.23 €112.83
Souvenir Life RingSmiths Vintage
$183.53 €178.16
A Destroyer In A Bottle Smiths Vintage
$152.94 €148.46
Good Ship In Bottle Smiths Vintage
$605.63 €587.91
Large Mid 20th Century Teak Ships WheelElmgarden
$1039.98 €1009.55
Large Model Ships Hull - Liverpool Ship Building CAthey Antiques
$446.58 €433.51
Kenneth Britten Half Boat Model Of SmackShaun King Antiques
$483.28 €469.14
Antique Folk Art Diorama Model Ship In A BottleRobert Belcher Antiques
$305.88 €296.93
Sheffield Oak Brewery Barrel, Table, Log Bin Elmgarden
$519.99 €504.77
A Four Mast 18th Century Ship In A Bottle, C1920Robert Belcher Antiques
$2318.53 €2250.69
Huge (24kg) Named Bronze Ships Bell,1957Curious Antiques
$360.93 €350.37
19th Century Oak And Brass Bound BarrelWalton House Antiques
$458.81 €445.39
Bronze Yacht Anchor, Desk Ornament Elmgarden
$201.88 €195.97
Vintage Pond YachtSunnyside Antiques
$201.88 €195.97
Scratch Built Pond YachtSunnyside Antiques
$238.58 €231.6
Scratch Built Pond Yacht HullsSunnyside Antiques
$428.23 €415.7
Cased Clipper Model Ship Of 'The Hippolyta'Sinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$409.87 €397.88
Rustic Pond Yacht With Pink SailsNewark Antiques And Interiors