Nautical Antiques
Found 510 For Sale and Sold ( 115 for sale 395 sold )
$305.88 €296.93
An Antique Sailor's Seam RubberPaffron And Scott
$458.81 €445.39
Victorian Sailors Valentines Shellwork Pin CushionDreams Less Sweet Antiques
$1829.13 €1775.61
4' Large Antique Ship's Wheel, English, Oak, DecorLondon Fine Antiques
$568.93 €552.28
Painted Whale's EardrumNewsum Antiques
$519.99 €504.77
A Folk Art Ship In A BottleRobert Belcher Antiques
$6117.5 €5938.5
Legion D’Honneur Presentation Marine InstrumentsJason Clarke Antiques
$605.63 €587.91
Pond Yacht 'Joe & Dido' C.1890Collinge Antiques
$397.64 €386
Early 20th Century Oak Ships WheelElmgarden
$269.17 €261.29
!9th Cent Marine Ship's Wheel.Michael Armson Antiques
$348.7 €338.49
Antique Ships Wheel C 1920sBridgend Antiques
$428.23 €415.7
Ship In A Bottle On StandPrometheus Antiques
$758.57 €736.37
Large Edwardian Pond Yacht On StandNewark Antiques And Interiors
$226.35 €219.72
Pond Yacht Folk Art Victorian C1880Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$134.59 €130.65
Iron Coopered Oak BarrelDaryl Yeates Antiques
$122.35 €118.77
Late 19th Century Boxed Model ShipCarse Antiques
$116.23 €112.83
Cornish Serpentine Lighthouse Brian Knapp Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
19th C Painted Sea Chest Becketts With HeartsBrian Knapp Antiques
$152.94 €148.46
Lignum Vitae Nautical Dead Eye On Custom Stand Brian Knapp Antiques
$183.53 €178.16
RUBIO’s Bar Top Oak Special Amontillado Sherry BarrelElmgarden
$1400.91 €1359.92
Model Of A Racing YachtShackladys Antiques
$605.63 €587.91
Fine 19th Century Naval Silk Work EmbroideryMichael Allcroft Antiques
$2294.06 €2226.94
Large 19th Century Pond YachShackladys Antiques
$1033.86 €1003.61
Cased Scale Model Of The Scottish Two Masted SchoonerShackladys Antiques
$1095.03 €1062.99
Large Model Ships HullAthey Antiques
$795.28 €772.01
Hand Blown Glass Model Ship In A Bottle.Robert Belcher Antiques
$336.46 €326.62
Antique Original Ships WheelBridgend Antiques
$7096.3 €6888.66
Large Scale Early 20th Century Ship ModelLee Wright Antiques And Interiors
$1095.03 €1062.99
A Superb Cooke & Son Ships Brass Binnacle Lincolnshire Antiques