Early 18th Century Antique Barometers and Barographs

Found 31 For Sale and Sold    ( 11 for sale  20 sold )  
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English Mercury Barometer£495 $613.31   €594.54 English Mercury BarometerCheltenham House Antiques 18th Century Antique Mahogany Banjo Barometer£1385 $1716.02   €1663.52 18th Century Antique Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques Georgian Stick Barometer£750 $929.25   €900.83 Georgian Stick BarometerFrank Craig Antiques T Glase Bridgnorth Georgian Barometer£695 $861.11   €834.76 T Glase Bridgnorth Georgian BarometerSovereign Antiques
Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo Barometer £1385 $1716.02   €1663.52 Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo Barometer London City Antiques Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo Barometer£995 $1232.81   €1195.09 Antique Georgian Mahogany Banjo BarometerLondon City Antiques A Georgian Mahogany Four Piece Wheel Barometer£995.00 $1232.81   €1195.09 A Georgian Mahogany Four Piece Wheel BarometerWilliams Antiques Restoration Mercury Wheel Barometer£2200 $2725.8   €2642.42 Mercury Wheel BarometerCove Clocks
Mercury Wheel Barometer£2200 $2725.8   €2642.42 Mercury Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Mercury Wheel Barometer£2200 $2725.8   €2642.42 Mercury Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Mercury Wheel Barometer£2200 $2725.8   €2642.42 Mercury Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Fine George IIIl Quality Mahogany Banjo Barometer £1385 $1716.02   €1663.52 Fine George IIIl Quality Mahogany Banjo Barometer London City Antiques
 GEORGE IV Mahogany Wheel Barometer £750 $929.25   €900.83 GEORGE IV Mahogany Wheel Barometer Frank Craig Antiques  Large Antique Rosewood Banjo Barometer£850 $1053.15   €1020.94 Large Antique Rosewood Banjo BarometerGraver Antiques And Interiors Georgian Mahogany Inlaid Banjo Barometer£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Georgian Mahogany Inlaid Banjo BarometerGraver Antiques And Interiors Georgian Mahogany Banjo Barometer£685 $848.72   €822.75 Georgian Mahogany Banjo BarometerGraver Antiques And Interiors
Georgian Mahogany Inlaid Banjo Barometer£895.00 $1108.91   €1074.98 Georgian Mahogany Inlaid Banjo BarometerGraver Antiques And Interiors Wheel Barometer By L.biaggini Of London£750 $929.25   €900.83 Wheel Barometer By L.biaggini Of LondonBury Court Antiques Stick Barometer  Stick BarometerCove Clocks Mercury Wheel Barometer  Mercury Wheel BarometerCove Clocks
Mercury Wheel Barometer  Mercury Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Stick Barometer  Stick BarometerCove Clocks Stick Barometer  Stick BarometerCove Clocks Antique Mercury Wheel Barometer, F Nago, Mcr  Antique Mercury Wheel Barometer, F Nago, McrCove Clocks
Georgian Wheel Barometer  Georgian Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Mahogany Wheel Barometer  Mahogany Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Gerogian Wheel Barometer  Gerogian Wheel BarometerCove Clocks Georgian Wheel Barometer  Georgian Wheel BarometerCove Clocks
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