French Antique Silver Plated

Found 360 For Sale and Sold    ( 94 for sale  266 sold )  
Luc Lanel For Christofle - Ondulations Ice Bucket £495 $613.31   €594.54 Luc Lanel For Christofle - Ondulations Ice Bucket Puckerings Antiques Art Deco Design Cheese Platter, Glass And Silver  £450 $557.55   €540.5 Art Deco Design Cheese Platter, Glass And Silver Elmgarden Luc Lanel For Christofle Wine / Champagne Cooler £1595 $1976.21   €1915.75 Luc Lanel For Christofle Wine / Champagne Cooler Puckerings Antiques French ArtDeco Silver Plated Sideboard Mirror Tray£1800 $2230.2   €2161.98 French ArtDeco Silver Plated Sideboard Mirror TrayElmgarden
Luc Lanel - Christofle / Gallia - Ondulations Vase£1100 $1362.9   €1321.21 Luc Lanel - Christofle / Gallia - Ondulations VasePuckerings Antiques French Silver Plate Equestrian Trophy £2000 $2478   €2402.2 French Silver Plate Equestrian Trophy Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Vintage Christofle Cased Folio Corkscrew & Stopper£295 $365.51   €354.32 Vintage Christofle Cased Folio Corkscrew & StopperPuckerings Antiques Luc Lanel For Christofle - Cocktail Shaker C.1935£595 $737.21   €714.65 Luc Lanel For Christofle - Cocktail Shaker C.1935Puckerings Antiques
Christofle, Paris - Rare Grand Art Deco Tray C1940£995 $1232.81   €1195.09 Christofle, Paris - Rare Grand Art Deco Tray C1940Puckerings Antiques Art Deco Cocktail Tray By Ravinet DEnfert, Paris £495 $613.31   €594.54 Art Deco Cocktail Tray By Ravinet D'Enfert, Paris Puckerings Antiques Hermès Paris - Small Silver Plated Vase C.1960£695 $861.11   €834.76 Hermès Paris - Small Silver Plated Vase C.1960Puckerings Antiques Silver Plated Cigar Box By Crevillen, Paris C.1960£395 $489.41   €474.43 Silver Plated Cigar Box By Crevillen, Paris C.1960Puckerings Antiques
Hermès, Paris - Rare Equestrian Champagne Bucket £3200 $3964.8   €3843.52 Hermès, Paris - Rare Equestrian Champagne Bucket Puckerings Antiques French Silver Plated And Rosewood Bowl£85 $105.32   €102.09 French Silver Plated And Rosewood BowlKadensek And Ward Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler By Ercuis, Paris£650 $805.35   €780.72 Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler By Ercuis, ParisPuckerings Antiques French Art Deco Bread Basket By Brille, Paris£395 $489.41   €474.43 French Art Deco Bread Basket By Brille, ParisPuckerings Antiques
Christofle Gallia Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler £795 $985.01   €954.87 Christofle Gallia Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler Puckerings Antiques French Silver Plated Vide Poche By Maria Pergay£395 $489.41   €474.43 French Silver Plated Vide Poche By Maria PergayPuckerings Antiques Luc Lanel For Christofle - Pair Champagne Buckets£1950 $2416.05   €2342.15 Luc Lanel For Christofle - Pair Champagne BucketsPuckerings Antiques A Pair Of 18th Century Silver Plated Candlesticks.£550 $681.45   €660.61 A Pair Of 18th Century Silver Plated Candlesticks.Youngs Antiques
Cased Set Of Plated Small Knives, Paris C. 1890£125 $154.88   €150.14 Cased Set Of Plated Small Knives, Paris C. 1890Julie Cartwright Antiques Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler By Ercuis, Paris£650 $805.35   €780.72 Champagne Bucket / Wine Cooler By Ercuis, ParisPuckerings Antiques Puiforcat, Paris - Champagne Bucket C.1910£695 $861.11   €834.76 Puiforcat, Paris - Champagne Bucket C.1910Puckerings Antiques Christofle Paris - Laque De Chine Champagne Bucket£995 $1232.81   €1195.09 Christofle Paris - Laque De Chine Champagne BucketPuckerings Antiques
Art Deco Champagne Bucket By Christofle, Paris£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Art Deco Champagne Bucket By Christofle, ParisPuckerings Antiques Rare Christofle Laque De Chine Box - Sienna. £350 $433.65   €420.39 Rare Christofle Laque De Chine Box - Sienna. Puckerings Antiques Large Smart French Art Deco Cocktail Shaker C.1930£395 $489.41   €474.43 Large Smart French Art Deco Cocktail Shaker C.1930Puckerings Antiques Hermes, Paris - Silver & Gold Plated Vase / Cup£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 Hermes, Paris - Silver & Gold Plated Vase / CupPuckerings Antiques