Mid 19th Century Antique Desk Accessories
Found 298 For Sale and Sold ( 87 for sale 211 sold )
$830.18 €798.19
Boulle Document Holder From Royal Yacht OsborneF10 Antiques
$608.8 €585.34
Antique Clerk's Desk Tidy, English, Oak, OrganiserLondon Fine Antiques
$170.96 €164.37
Moulded Glass Inkwell On Ceramic Dish C. 1870Rocco Antiques
$1045.42 €1005.13
A Quality Book SlideAndrew Lovatt Antiques
$1475.88 €1419
Napoleon III Style Tortoiseshell & Brass Ink StandLVS Decorative Arts
$43.05 €41.39
Antique Solid Brass Inkwell C 1870.Cloudberry Antiques
$455.06 €437.53
Late Victorian Perpetual Wall CalendarNewark Antiques And Interiors
$239.83 €230.59
Italian Bronze InkwellWillows Antiques & Interiors
$473.51 €455.26
Maison Alphonse Giroux Bronze Horse Inkwell FigureHashtag Curios
$1076.16 €1034.69
Antique Naval Architect's Desk Tidy, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$854.78 €821.84
19th Century Small French Gilt Bronze Inkstand Robert Belcher Antiques
$473.51 €455.26
19th Century 'Grand Tour' Bloodstone Desk PaperweightWalton House Antiques
$92.24 €88.69
Mother Of Pearl Letter Opener, FloralRod Naylor Antiques
$83.63 €80.41
Mother Of Pearl Letter OpenerRod Naylor Antiques
$1537.38 €1478.13
Antique French Freestanding Inlaid Boulle Desk SetLondon City Antiques
$227.53 €218.76
Early Victorian Desk Top CannonSmiths Vintage
$645.7 €620.81
Quality Antique Victorian French Ormolu Desk SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$854.78 €821.84
Antique Serpentine Paperweight, Chinese, SoapstoneLondon Fine Antiques
$2767.28 €2660.63
Superb Quality Regency Rosewood & Brass Desk StandLVS Decorative Arts
$842.48 €810.01
Carved Oak Cat Inkwell With Glass Eyes 8 Inch 1860Trade Antiques
$350.52 €337.01
Rosewood Tunbridge Ware Book Slide Windsor CastleStudio RT Ltd
$485.81 €467.09
Mid 19th Century Large Sliding Book Rack C.1840Paul Doran Antiques
$522.71 €502.56
Coromandel Book Slide By Betjemanns 19thcSalisbury Antiques Centre
$362.82 €348.84
Japanese Meiji Period InkwellSelect Antiques
$9777.71 €9400.88
A Pair Of 12' Table Globes By Malby'sGravener Antiques
$289.03 €277.89
Tunbridge Ware Inkwell StandRoger Thorley Antiques - Restorations
$490.73 €471.82
Tunbridge Ware Obelisk Thermometer C.1880Roger Thorley Antiques - Restorations
$1223.75 €1176.59
Antique Dome Top Calling Card Box, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques