Viking Artifacts

Viking Artifacts and Antiquities

Found 34 For Sale and Sold    ( 10 for sale  24 sold )  
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Antique Ancient Viking Norse Bronze Bracelet 5135£110 $137.75   €132.03 Antique Ancient Viking Norse Bronze Bracelet 5135Antiquarius Ancient Viking Bronze Arm Ring/Bracelet (5106)£165 $206.63   €198.05 Ancient Viking Bronze Arm Ring/Bracelet (5106)Antiquarius Genuine Viking Norse Beard Or Hair Ring   (5124)£165 $206.63   €198.05 Genuine Viking Norse Beard Or Hair Ring (5124)Antiquarius Ancient Viking Bronze Bracelet (5106)£125 $156.54   €150.04 Ancient Viking Bronze Bracelet (5106)Antiquarius
Ancient Antique Bronze Age, Bronze Arrow. (5130)£55 $68.88   €66.02 Ancient Antique Bronze Age, Bronze Arrow. (5130)Antiquarius Viking Stirrup Terminal Rare Type Decorated£125 $156.54   €150.04 Viking Stirrup Terminal Rare Type DecoratedAntiquities And Artefacts Viking Open Work Strapend. £175 $219.15   €210.05 Viking Open Work Strapend. Antiquities And Artefacts Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 AD£170 $212.89   €204.05 Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques
Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 AD£170 $212.89   €204.05 Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques Fine Viking Sword, Mid 10th C£6500 $8139.95   €7801.95 Fine Viking Sword, Mid 10th CForte Antiques York British Viking Brooch With Borre Knotwork Design£225 $281.77   €270.07 British Viking Brooch With Borre Knotwork DesignTimesAncient Gold Saxon Or Viking Twisted Finger Ring  Gold Saxon Or Viking Twisted Finger RingAntiquities And Artefacts
Viking Bronze Mount With Snake?  Viking Bronze Mount With Snake?Antiquities And Artefacts Viking Bronze Ring 8th - 11th Century AD  Viking Bronze Ring 8th - 11th Century ADSchool House Antiques Medieval Bronze Cross Pendant 12th -13th C AD£80 $100.18   €96.02 Medieval Bronze Cross Pendant 12th -13th C ADSchool House Antiques Ancient Viking Bronze Chain Amulet 8th / 11th Cent  Ancient Viking Bronze Chain Amulet 8th / 11th CentSchool House Antiques
Ancient Bronze Viking Bracelet 8th - 11th C AD  Ancient Bronze Viking Bracelet 8th - 11th C ADSchool House Antiques Ancient Bronze Viking Bracelet 8th - 11th C AD  Ancient Bronze Viking Bracelet 8th - 11th C ADSchool House Antiques Viking Odin Pendant With Ravens  Viking Odin Pendant With RavensAntiquities And Artefacts Viking Bronze Raven Mount  Viking Bronze Raven MountAntiquities And Artefacts
Viking Silver Thors Hammer Pendant  Viking Silver Thor's Hammer PendantAntiquities And Artefacts Viking Bronze Stirrup Mount  Viking Bronze Stirrup MountAntiquities And Artefacts Ancient Viking Bronze Ring C 8th / 10th Century AD  Ancient Viking Bronze Ring C 8th / 10th Century ADSchool House Antiques Ancient Viking Bronze Bracelet 8th/10th Century AD  Ancient Viking Bronze Bracelet 8th/10th Century ADSchool House Antiques
Ancient Bronze Norse / Viking Fibula / Cloak Brooch  Ancient Bronze Norse / Viking Fibula / Cloak BroochSchool House Antiques Viking Silver Pendant 9th Century AD  Viking Silver Pendant 9th Century ADCollect The Past Anglo Saxon Brooch Group  Anglo Saxon Brooch GroupCollect The Past Viking Thors Hammer Silver Pendant  Viking Thors Hammer Silver PendantCollect The Past
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