English Silkwork Embroidery

Found 27 For Sale and Sold    ( 9 for sale  18 sold )  
Charming Georgian Silk Embroidery Oyster Seller£185 $229.66   €221.5 Charming Georgian Silk Embroidery Oyster SellerRams Head Antiques 19th Century Sailors Woolwork Royal Coat Of Arms £895 $1111.05   €1071.58 19th Century Sailor's Woolwork Royal Coat Of Arms Dreams Less Sweet Antiques Early 19th C Hand Painted And Silk Picture£950 $1179.33   €1137.44 Early 19th C Hand Painted And Silk PictureRobert Belcher Antiques Three Late Georgian Needleworks£295 $366.21   €353.2 Three Late Georgian NeedleworksPrometheus Antiques
Geo.III Silk Work Picture£320.00 $397.25   €383.14 Geo.III Silk Work PictureLemon Tree Antiques Miniature Silkwork Sampler£550 $682.77   €658.52 Miniature Silkwork SamplerHavard And Havard Antique Pair Silk Work Pictures Framed 19th Cent£220 $273.11   €263.41 Antique Pair Silk Work Pictures Framed 19th CentNorthern Antiques - Northumberland Edward Vll Stevengraph In Original Frame£45.00 $55.86   €53.88 Edward Vll Stevengraph In Original FrameBarrie Stevens Fine Art And Antiques
Silk Work Embroidered Still Life Of Flowers£295 $366.21   €353.2 Silk Work Embroidered Still Life Of FlowersLeslie And Baggott Georgian Period Silk Picture  Georgian Period Silk PictureDaryl Yeates Antiques Regency Silkwork£550 $682.77   €658.52 Regency SilkworkSalisbury Antiques Centre Georgian Silkwork Of Hebe Feeding The Eagle Zeus£325 $403.46   €389.12 Georgian Silkwork Of Hebe Feeding The Eagle ZeusTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts
A Truly Rare ‘silkwork’ - Sir Percival Radcliffe£1650 $2048.31   €1975.55 A Truly Rare ‘silkwork’ - Sir Percival RadcliffeRob Hall Antiques A Oval Painted Silk Drawing   £180 $223.45   €215.51 A Oval Painted Silk Drawing Beech And Springs Georgian Embroidered Silkwork Picture Framed£270.00 $335.18   €323.27 Georgian Embroidered Silkwork Picture FramedLemon Tree Antiques Large English Silk & Metal Thread Embroidery C1680£1400.00 $1737.96   €1676.22 Large English Silk & Metal Thread Embroidery C1680Doe And Hope
Pair Of Arts And Crafts Silk Panels In The Manner   Pair Of Arts And Crafts Silk Panels In The Manner Art Furniture 19th Century Adam & Eve Sampler£245 $304.14   €293.34 19th Century Adam & Eve SamplerRams Head Antiques Late Regency Floral Needlewok  Late Regency Floral NeedlewokPrometheus Antiques Fine Late Georgian Needlework Map Sampler  Fine Late Georgian Needlework Map SamplerPrometheus Antiques
Georgian Needlework The Judgement Of Soloman  Georgian Needlework 'The Judgement Of Soloman'Prometheus Antiques Georgian Silkwork Map Picture Of England C.1800-20£490.00 $608.29   €586.68 Georgian Silkwork Map Picture Of England C.1800-20Doe And Hope Antique Victorian Silkwork Picture   Antique Victorian Silkwork Picture Eras Of Style Silkwork Skaters On The Serpentine £2750 $3413.85   €3292.58 Silkwork Skaters On The Serpentine Santiago Ventura Antiques
Two Regency Period Silk Needlework Pictures C.1810£580.00 $720.01   €694.43 Two Regency Period Silk Needlework Pictures C.1810Doe And Hope Decorative Silk Embroidery Depicting Lotte At Wert£395 $490.35   €472.93 Decorative Silk Embroidery Depicting Lotte At WertHeritage Argyle Antiques Decorative Silk Embroidery Of Flowers£195 $242.07   €233.47 Decorative Silk Embroidery Of FlowersHeritage Argyle Antiques  