Tribal Art

Found 283 For Sale and Sold    ( 118 for sale  165 sold )  
African Kalimba Musical Instrument£39.00 $48.41   €46.69 African Kalimba Musical InstrumentYore Antiques African Carved Wooden Crocodile£47.00 $58.35   €56.27 African Carved Wooden CrocodileYore Antiques 19th Century Carved Wooden African Funeral Mask£380 $471.73   €454.97 19th Century Carved Wooden African Funeral MaskElmgarden Saraswati Topeng Carved Wooden Dance Mask Indonesia£425 $527.6   €508.85 Saraswati Topeng Carved Wooden Dance Mask IndonesiaElmgarden
19th C. Himalayan Copper Buddhist Offering Plate£215 $266.9   €257.42 19th C. Himalayan Copper Buddhist Offering PlateAileen Cameron Decorative Antiques Qing Dynasty Household God Guan Di£225 $279.32   €269.39 Qing Dynasty Household God Guan DiAileen Cameron Decorative Antiques Large Collection  African Tribal Figures & Bronzes  Large Collection African Tribal Figures & BronzesDaryl Yeates Antiques Large African Bronze Fertility Staff/Wand, C1920£395 $490.35   €472.93 Large African Bronze Fertility Staff/Wand, C1920Curious Antiques
African Tribal Stick  African Tribal StickTS Baskett Furniture Restoration Large African Benin Bronze Ceremonial Pot,c1920£595 $738.63   €712.39 Large African Benin Bronze Ceremonial Pot,c1920Curious Antiques Antique Tribal Figure Songye£265 $328.97   €317.28 Antique Tribal Figure SongyeRams Head Antiques Early 20thC Yaka Initiation Mask, D. R. Congo  Early 20thC Yaka Initiation Mask, D. R. CongoHarrington Antiques
A Matched Pair Of African Tribal Dance Face Masks £885 $1098.64   €1059.61 A Matched Pair Of African Tribal Dance Face Masks Robert Belcher Antiques Aboriginal N. Queensland Rain Forest Sword, C1880£895 $1111.05   €1071.58 Aboriginal N. Queensland Rain Forest Sword, C1880Curious Antiques Papua New Guinea Carved & Painted Gope Board£125 $155.18   €149.66 Papua New Guinea Carved & Painted Gope BoardTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts Papua New Guinea Wood Carving From Upper Sepik£165 $204.83   €197.55 Papua New Guinea Wood Carving From Upper SepikTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts
Côte DIvoire Baule Portrait Mask  Côte D'Ivoire Baule Portrait MaskHarrington Antiques Tribal Club, Kanak People New Caledonia,c1890£395 $490.35   €472.93 Tribal Club, Kanak People New Caledonia,c1890Curious Antiques Incredible Senufo Kpelie Ancestor Mask Ivory Coast£675 $837.95   €808.18 Incredible Senufo Kpelie Ancestor Mask Ivory CoastRams Head Antiques Superb Bamileke Beaded Buffalo Head Mask Tribal £425 $527.6   €508.85 Superb Bamileke Beaded Buffalo Head Mask Tribal Rams Head Antiques
Yoruba Fertility Maternity Carving Nigeria£265 $328.97   €317.28 Yoruba Fertility Maternity Carving NigeriaRams Head Antiques Large Imposing Mexican ‘Day Of The Dead’ Mask £475 $589.67   €568.72 Large Imposing Mexican ‘Day Of The Dead’ Mask Rams Head Antiques Rare Tribal Angas Dance Mask Northern Nigeria£325 $403.46   €389.12 Rare Tribal Angas Dance Mask Northern NigeriaRams Head Antiques Yoruba Tribal Epa Masquerade Mask Egungun£485 $602.08   €580.69 Yoruba Tribal Epa Masquerade Mask EgungunRams Head Antiques
Tribal Nigerian Ekoi Crest Mask£575 $713.81   €688.45 Tribal Nigerian Ekoi Crest MaskRams Head Antiques Antique Fijian Root Wood Ula Throwing Club  Antique Fijian Root Wood Ula Throwing ClubChristopher Walker Antiques Wood Carving Dogan£285 $353.8   €341.23 Wood Carving DoganRumble Antiques 6 Thai Tribal Shamanic Wands / Bead,c1880£495 $614.49   €592.66 6 Thai Tribal Shamanic Wands / Bead,c1880Curious Antiques