Late Victorian Antique Toys

Found 56 For Sale and Sold    ( 5 for sale  51 sold )  
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Primative Rocking Horse£140 $175.25   €168.15 Primative Rocking HorseHutton-Clarke Antiques Arts And Crafts Canvas Toy Model Of A Horse£495 $619.64   €594.54 Arts And Crafts Canvas Toy Model Of A HorseElmgarden Antique Articulated Wooden Bird Toy£45 $56.33   €54.05 Antique Articulated Wooden Bird ToyAntique Rarities Childs Pull Along Windmill £450 $563.31   €540.5 Childs Pull Along Windmill Roger Grimes Antiques
 Large Rocking Horse£495 $619.64   €594.54 Large Rocking HorseYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Antique Dapple Grey Rocking Horse£695 $870   €834.76 Antique Dapple Grey Rocking HorseRams Head Antiques Original Victorian Punch And Judy Puppets & Stage£1200.00 $1502.16   €1441.32 Original Victorian Punch And Judy Puppets & StageDecoris Fine Art Large English Antique Wooden Pull Along Horses  Large English Antique Wooden Pull Along HorsesMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Skittles Victorian Pub Skittles Beech/Iron C1890£185 $231.58   €222.2 Skittles Victorian Pub Skittles Beech/Iron C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors Antique French Wrought Iron Bed / Crib  Dolls Cot£195 $244.1   €234.21 Antique French Wrought Iron Bed / Crib Dolls CotRetropolis Antiques & Vintage A Victorian Rocking Horse£350 $438.13   €420.39 A Victorian Rocking HorseWickersley Antiques Folk Art Noahs Ark Victorian C1890£1250 $1564.75   €1501.38 Folk Art Noah's Ark Victorian C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Dolls House Victorian Folk Art C1890£695 $870   €834.76 Dolls House Victorian Folk Art C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors Noahs Ark Rare Folk Art Victorian Ark And Figures £895 $1120.36   €1074.98 Noahs Ark Rare Folk Art Victorian Ark And Figures Cloverleaf Home Interiors Antique Victorian Carved Wooden Set Punch & Judy£385 $481.94   €462.42 Antique Victorian Carved Wooden Set Punch & JudyFrogabilia Dolls House Grand Victorian Dated 1896 London £1150 $1439.57   €1381.27 Dolls House Grand Victorian Dated 1896 London Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Antique, Folk Art, Articulated Father Christmas  Antique, Folk Art, Articulated Father ChristmasDaryl Yeates Antiques French Singing Birds Automaton Brass Birdcage £1295 $1621.08   €1555.42 French Singing Birds Automaton Brass Birdcage S W Muggeridge Antiques Antique Pond Yacht £1985 $2484.82   €2384.18 Antique Pond Yacht Merchant House Antiques Noahs Ark Victorian Period Folk Art 270 Figures£2500 $3129.5   €3002.75 Noah's Ark Victorian Period Folk Art 270 FiguresCloverleaf Home Interiors
19thC English Folk Art Punch & Judy Finger Puppets£650.00 $813.67   €780.72 19thC English Folk Art Punch & Judy Finger PuppetsDoe And Hope Folk Art Victorian Dolls House Original Paint 1880£245 $306.69   €294.27 Folk Art Victorian Dolls House Original Paint 1880Cloverleaf Home Interiors Childs Toy Carved Horse Folk Art£320.00 $400.58   €384.35 Child's Toy Carved Horse Folk ArtLemon Tree Antiques Late 19thC/Early 20thC Collinson Rocking Horse£1250 $1564.75   €1501.38 Late 19thC/Early 20thC Collinson Rocking HorseChurch Street Antiques
Noahs Ark Victorian A J Galpin Norwich 90 Animals £895 $1120.36   €1074.98 Noahs Ark Victorian A J Galpin Norwich 90 Animals Cloverleaf Home Interiors Victorian Dolls House£595.00 $744.82   €714.65 Victorian Dolls HouseHavard And Havard Set Of Victorian Garden Skittles  Set Of Victorian Garden SkittlesHawthornes Antiques F H Ayres Extra Carved Rocking Horse£3250 $4068.35   €3903.58 F H Ayres Extra Carved Rocking HorseRocking Horse Elite
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