20th Century Sporting Antiques

Found 269 For Sale and Sold    ( 69 for sale  200 sold )  
Pair Of Edwardian Leather Riding Boots£165 $218.64   €198.1 Pair Of Edwardian Leather Riding BootsBridgend Antiques Pair Of Antique Exercise Clubs, English, Weighted£495 $655.92   €594.3 Pair Of Antique Exercise Clubs, English, WeightedLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Gymnasium Springboard£40.00 $53   €48.02 Vintage Gymnasium SpringboardPeppermill Interiors Ash Irish Hurling Stick£120 $159.01   €144.07 Ash Irish Hurling StickPareglio & Ayres Antiques
Vintage Wooden Gym Saddles£45 $59.63   €54.03 Vintage Wooden Gym SaddlesPeppermill Interiors 4 Person Croquet Set£340 $450.53   €408.2 4 Person Croquet SetMillers Antiques Of Wooler Vintage Gymnasium Bench, English, Pine, Suede£1295 $1716   €1554.78 Vintage Gymnasium Bench, English, Pine, SuedeLondon Fine Antiques Silchester Cycling Club Track Championships Shield£1550 $2053.91   €1860.93 Silchester Cycling Club Track Championships ShieldElmgarden
Large Vintage 5 Section Heavy Pine Vaulting Box£850 $1126.34   €1020.51 Large Vintage 5 Section Heavy Pine Vaulting BoxElmgarden 1901 Cricket Trophy Shield, By Walker Hall And Son£675 $894.44   €810.41 1901 Cricket Trophy Shield, By Walker Hall And SonElmgarden Pair Of Black Curling Stones£350 $463.79   €420.21 Pair Of Black Curling StonesSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Country Made Village Cricket Score Board£450 $596.3   €540.27 Country Made Village Cricket Score BoardElmgarden
Leg Of Mutton Shotgun Case£950 $1258.85   €1140.57 'Leg Of Mutton' Shotgun CaseLeslie And Baggott Vintage Pommel Horse£325 $430.66   €390.2 Vintage Pommel HorsePeppermill Interiors Vintage Throwing Hammer £125 $165.64   €150.08 Vintage Throwing Hammer Vladds Interiors Rudder From Rowing Skull £280 $371.03   €336.17 Rudder From Rowing Skull Smiths Vintage
Beech Billiards Score Board£95 $125.88   €114.06 Beech Billiards Score BoardWorboys Antiques And Clocks Small Pommel Horse£250 $331.28   €300.15 Small Pommel HorsePeppermill Interiors Large Pommel Horse - Oval Handles£375 $496.91   €450.23 Large Pommel Horse - Oval HandlesPeppermill Interiors Large Pommel Horse - Square Handles£375 $496.91   €450.23 Large Pommel Horse - Square HandlesPeppermill Interiors
Presentation Wooden Lignum Vitae Lawn Bowls£95 $125.88   €114.06 Presentation Wooden Lignum Vitae Lawn BowlsSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Three Stirrup Cups £149 $197.44   €178.89 Three Stirrup Cups Vladds Interiors Presentation Raft Paddle Military Race North Iraq£285 $377.65   €342.17 Presentation Raft Paddle Military Race North IraqTrade Antiques AHS German Leather Cased Set 3 Flasks & 4 Tots£235.00 $311.4   €282.14 AHS German Leather Cased Set 3 Flasks & 4 TotsStudio RT Ltd
Woven Leather Hunting Whip£120 $159.01   €144.07 Woven Leather Hunting WhipCarl Andersen Antiques Two Vintage Leon Paul London Fencing Helmets/Mask£95 $125.88   €114.06 Two Vintage Leon Paul London Fencing Helmets/MaskPareglio & Ayres Antiques An Edwardian Limed Oak Snooker Cue Stand£1275 $1689.5   €1530.77 An Edwardian Limed Oak Snooker Cue StandGravener Antiques Cast Iron Horse Head Gate Post Wall Finials£895 $1185.96   €1074.54 Cast Iron Horse Head Gate Post Wall FinialsVladds Interiors