English Antique Photography and Photographica
Found 90 For Sale and Sold ( 33 for sale 57 sold )
$48.94 €47.51
Sanger Shepherd Density MeterMemento Mori
$1584.43 €1538.07
Antique Box Field Camera And Tripod, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$30.59 €29.69
G B Kershaw 630 Folding CameraMemento Mori
$550.58 €534.47
Epsom Fire Station Commemorative Photograph 1902Elmgarden
$336.46 €326.62
Coronet Spy Camera Rare ColoursSovereign Antiques
$1095.03 €1062.99
Antique McKellen's Field Camera, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$226.35 €219.72
South African History Photo Album J. C. Smuts PretFrogabilia
$165.17 €160.34
Victorian School Photo In FrameHutton-Clarke Antiques
$238.58 €231.6
Large Framed PhotographAthey Antiques
$483.28 €469.14
Pair Of Large Framed PhotographsAthey Antiques
$201.88 €195.97
Mid 19th Century Photograph / Carte De Visite AlbumBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
$22.02 €21.38
3 Kodak Brownies (1950's)Those Were The Days
$177.41 €172.22
Tooled Leather Album/Victorian Photographs, C1890Curious Antiques
$152.94 €148.46
A VICTORIAN MAGIC LANTERN With SlidesThose Were The Days
$55.06 €53.45
Ww1 Princess Mary Christmas Tin - PhotoKim Antiques
$1468.2 €1425.24
“Shaken Not Stirred”Aylmer Fine Art
$477.17 €463.2
Ticka 'pocket Watch' CameraAntique Rarities
$177.41 €172.22
C1890 Taylor & Hobson Magnifier For PhotographyForte Antiques York
$91.76 €89.08
Ambrotype And Tintype PortraitsAntique Rarities
$214.11 €207.85
Victorian Photograph Album With 149 Albumen PhotosTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts
$360.93 €350.37
Set Of Three Masonic PhotographsHutton-Clarke Antiques
$55.06 €53.45
An 'Instant Family' From The Victorian EraThose Were The Days
Photograph Mauretania Leaving Newcastle Upon TyneMillers Antiques Of Wooler
$67.29 €65.32
Royal Artillery Winning Gun Team Photo 1933Antique Rarities
$97.88 €95.02
Photograph Aunt MaudSmiths Vintage
$795.28 €772.01
Carved Cantonese Framed Lena Connell PhotographM & H Antiques
$2079.95 €2019.09
Light-Box Framed Lantern Slides Of WWI InterestDoe And Hope
$5505.75 €5344.65
Huge Collection Of X150 19thC Tinplate PhotographsDoe And Hope