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Tel07701042625Please quote Antiques Atlas.
North African Round Metal Water Vase
Pre-Columbian Ancient West Mexico pottery figure
Early Bone Needle - stone age - medieval?
17th century Silver Merchant Seal
Gandharan Frieze Section with Buddha 2-3rdC AD
Gandharan Crouching Atlas 2nd-3rd Century AD
Gandaharan Miracle of Sravasti Stele 3-4thC AD
Mexican Tribal Red Clay Figure
Zoomorphic Vessel of Llama w/Black Slip Harness
Ecuadorian Carved Skull Shaped Whistle
Small Ecuadorian Moulded Clay Figure on Stand
Zoomorphic Llama Vessel with an Elongated Body
Non UK callers :
+44 7701042625
An Old African Clay Ritual Vessel Nigeria

An Old Calabar Anthropomorphic Terracotta Pseudo Vessel Nigeria Africa
with NSIBIDI communication arrows
A very similar one in:
Some time ago I read about the use of these vessels on this site but unfortunately the article (in French, has now disappeared). As far as I remember they were filled with grain and were used by the now distinct Agricultural society as ritual vessels to bless the crops ensure fertility of the earth.
May also have been funerary vessels that accompanied the dead.
Possible date: 11th-14th Century
36 cm high, 16 cm wide
Has a large crack near the middle of the "belly" of the vessel from where tiny grains come out.
I have tried to secure this at present but the vessel is quite delicate and needs careful handling.
Please see all Photos
Former Seward Kennedy London, New York Collection
Acquired before 1980 PricePOA Category Ancient Artifacts Date 11th-14th Century Pre 16th Century Antiques Material Terracotta Origin African Item code as727a180 Status For Sale
View all stock from

6 Southgate Place
Madford Road
Launceston, Cornwall
United Kingdom
PL15 9DX
Tel : 07701042625
Non UK callers : +44 7701042625
Get directions to Frogabilia
with NSIBIDI communication arrows
A very similar one in:
Some time ago I read about the use of these vessels on this site but unfortunately the article (in French, has now disappeared). As far as I remember they were filled with grain and were used by the now distinct Agricultural society as ritual vessels to bless the crops ensure fertility of the earth.
May also have been funerary vessels that accompanied the dead.
Possible date: 11th-14th Century
36 cm high, 16 cm wide
Has a large crack near the middle of the "belly" of the vessel from where tiny grains come out.
I have tried to secure this at present but the vessel is quite delicate and needs careful handling.
Please see all Photos
Former Seward Kennedy London, New York Collection
Acquired before 1980 PricePOA Category Ancient Artifacts Date 11th-14th Century Pre 16th Century Antiques Material Terracotta Origin African Item code as727a180 Status For Sale
View all stock from

Madford Road
Launceston, Cornwall
United Kingdom
PL15 9DX
Tel : 07701042625
Non UK callers : +44 7701042625
Get directions to Frogabilia
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