of Traders in
Works of Art
of Traders in
Works of Art
We are having an “antique dealer retires“ sale. I am offering up to 25% discount on everything (delivery charges as normal). Should you wish to purchase several pieces do contact me and I will see what I can offer.

Newcastle's leading Antique Shop. Established in Jesmond since 1999, now situated in Horsley. A fine stock of 18th, 19th and early 20th Century furniture, clocks, paintings, silver, jewellery and objets d'art. The Stock is attractively displayed over 2400 sq ft with 4 'room' settings. Members of LAPADA and CINOA. The business has been established for 14 years but Graham has been gathering his experience and knowledge in the antiques trade for 40 years having been a director and partner within a large international antiques business prior to opening his own shop. Graham provides customers with all the help and advice they may need in choosing antiques for home or business.

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A fine stock of 18th, 19th and early 20th Century furniture, clocks, paintings and objets d'art. The Stock is attractively displayed in 2400 sq ft over two floors. We are Members of both LAPADA and CINOA.