17th Century Antique Oil Paintings

Found 263 For Sale and Sold    ( 157 for sale  106 sold )  
Great 17th Century Flemish Painting, Saint Jerome £6700 $8835.96   €7942.18 Great 17th Century Flemish Painting, Saint Jerome Parino Mercato Antiquario 17th Century Italian Painting, Amnon And Tamar£34000 $44839.2   €40303.6 17th Century Italian Painting, Amnon And TamarParino Mercato Antiquario 17th Century Mythological Painting£5500 $7253.4   €6519.7 17th Century Mythological PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario Rare 17th C Dutch Still Life With A Grivet Monkey£9950.00 $13122.06   €11794.73 Rare 17th C Dutch Still Life With A Grivet MonkeyChristopher Tombs Ltd
17th Century Painting, Lot And His Daughters£10100 $13319.88   €11972.54 17th Century Painting, Lot And His DaughtersParino Mercato Antiquario Great 17th Century Italian Painting£16850 $22221.78   €19973.99 Great 17th Century Italian PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario Great 17th Century Italian Painting£7200 $9495.36   €8534.88 Great 17th Century Italian PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario Great 17th Century Italian Painting, Saint Jerome £10000 $13188   €11854 Great 17th Century Italian Painting, Saint Jerome Parino Mercato Antiquario
Lombard Painting The Shepherd With His Dogs£5500 $7253.4   €6519.7 Lombard Painting The Shepherd With His DogsParino Mercato Antiquario 17th Portrait King Charles 1st After Sir Peter Lely£5850 $7714.98   €6934.59 17th Portrait King Charles 1st After Sir Peter LelyHistoric Antique Paintings Great 17th Century Italian Painting£5750 $7583.1   €6816.05 Great 17th Century Italian PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario Flemish Painting From The 17th Century£5000 $6594   €5927 Flemish Painting From The 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario
Rare Religious Painting On Parchment 17th Century£3200 $4220.16   €3793.28 Rare Religious Painting On Parchment 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario Great Pair Of 17th Century Italian Paintings£18500 $24397.8   €21929.9 Great Pair Of 17th Century Italian PaintingsParino Mercato Antiquario Beautiful 17th Century Italian Painting£4200 $5538.96   €4978.68 Beautiful 17th Century Italian PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario 17th Century Bucolic Landscape Painting £5000 $6594   €5927 17th Century Bucolic Landscape Painting Parino Mercato Antiquario
Antique Religious Painting From The 17th Century£3000 $3956.4   €3556.2 Antique Religious Painting From The 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario Flemish Interior Scene Painting From 17th Century£3200 $4220.16   €3793.28 Flemish Interior Scene Painting From 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario A Late 17thc- Early 18th Century Landscape.£950 $1252.86   €1126.13 A Late 17thc- Early 18th Century Landscape.Youngs Antiques A Late 17th Century Landscape.£950 $1252.86   €1126.13 A Late 17th Century Landscape.Youngs Antiques
Religious Painting Parable Of Unfaithful Farmer£1650 $2176.02   €1955.91 Religious Painting Parable Of Unfaithful FarmerParino Mercato Antiquario Venetian School 17th Century Painting£2950 $3890.46   €3496.93 Venetian School 17th Century PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario Great 17th Century Religious Painting£13000 $17144.4   €15410.2 Great 17th Century Religious PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario Antique Spanish Painting From The 17th Century£6300 $8308.44   €7468.02 Antique Spanish Painting From The 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario
Follower Of Correggio From The 17th Century£5500 $7253.4   €6519.7 Follower Of Correggio From The 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario 17th Century Genoese School Painting £10000 $13188   €11854 17th Century Genoese School Painting Parino Mercato Antiquario Great Italian Painting From The 17th Century£3400 $4483.92   €4030.36 Great Italian Painting From The 17th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario Great 17th Century Religious Italian Painting£8000 $10550.4   €9483.2 Great 17th Century Religious Italian PaintingParino Mercato Antiquario