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Timeless Chairs is the online arm of Paul Cuthbertson's antique business, Timeless Interiors & Antiques.

The shop, stocking one of the largest selections of antique and vintage chairs, settees, chaise longues and other furniture in Ireland, provides an opportunity to view a wide range of quality antiques, collectibles and fabrics in a friendly, welcoming environment.

Paul has a background in specialist upholstery repair with a respected reputation for restoring antique furniture to it's former glory.

The shop is 2 storey building in the middle of Lack village, on the boundary between Fermanagh and Tyrone in Northern Ireland. Free parking is available outside the shop.
Timeless Interiors & Antiques

8 Main Street
BT93 0DN

Tel. 028 6863 1511

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714