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Every last Wednesday of the month Wembley Antiques Market will bring together a diverse array of the South East’s most exciting traders selling antiques, collectables, salvage, vintage homeware, jewellery, furniture and much more. It will be North West London's largest Antiques Market, which offers traders the opportunity to sell like crazy in the heart of London. Over 100 traders. Parking for Van/Larger Vehicles, Stalls from £50. Located in Canada Lane, Canada Gardens, the market boasts all year-round cover, easy parking (4000 spaces, £2 parking) and FREE ENTRY to the market. No ULEZ or Congestion Charges. %BOLD_ON%Open%BOLD_OFF% 7.30am - 4pm. %BOLD_ON%Admission%BOLD_OFF% Free
Wembley Park Antiques Market

Canada Lane, Canada Gardens
Wembley Park, Middlesex

Tel. 07933104442

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