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Our stunning 260 year old buildings house a most varied array of Antiques, Vintage, Retro and Collectable Items including a vintage tea room. The buildings in the centre of an old Dairy Farm, providing a fantastic location for the business. To help buy there are different payment options, Cash, Card Payment, Paypal and Bank Transfer, we even offer Gift Vouchers. Within the barns you will find an eclectic ensemble of pieces, from traditional antiques or vintage items to reproduction furniture and some genuinely unique buys. The garden section offers wrought iron benches and patio sets, troughs and planters, stone items, decorative urns, pots, statues and cartwheels. Within our Reclamation room you will find fairground memorabilia, hand painted signs, salvaged items and much more. Open 6 Days a week (Closed Mondays) 10am till 4pm
Southan Antiques

Dunston Farm


Tel. 01785712443

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714