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The UK's only specialist vintage poster market is coming to Hackney with ten leading mid-century poster dealers. Collectibles + affordable originals from 20th century inc. Polish, French, Film, Music, Travel, Sport, Exhibition, Health + Safety and Advertising posters. Posters from £10 - £1000+ for really rare pieces. Indoors, (mostly) disabled access, toilets. Clapton Craft will be there with drinks. Dogs welcome. %BOLD_ON%Open%BOLD_OFF% Fri 3-8, Sat 10-6, Sun 11-4 %BOLD_ON%Admission%BOLD_OFF% £3 (under 16s free).
Projekt Mkt | Vintage Poster Market | Clapton

71 Powerscroft Road
E5 0PT

Tel. 07957784491

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714