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We are one of Canada's largest and most respected multi dealer antique shops. Inventory is restocked and changes daily. Over 34,000 sq. ft. of antiques and collectibles ranging from fine china, architectural salvage, furniture, pottery, artwork, industrial objects, airplane parts, vintage boats, vintage arcade games, toys and vintage clothing. We have supplied antiques and collectibles to the movie and television industry, restaurants, interior decorators, as well as the homeowner and individual collector. We offer discounts to the trade with a valid tax exempt number. Shipping worldwide available. Open daily. Closed only Christmas and New Years day. Looking to purchase large quantity of chimney pots, pub bars, and architectural salvage for export to Canada.
Southworks Antiques

73 Water St.
N. Cambridge,
N1R 7L6

Tel. 519-740-0110

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714