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Our tenth Mayfair Antiques & Fine Art Fair will be held at the London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 January 2024. The fair regularly features some forty distinguished specialist exhibitors, drawn primarily from The British Antique Dealers' Association and LAPADA The Association of Art & Antiques Dealers. %BOLD_ON%Open:%BOLD_OFF% Thursday: 11.00–20.00, Friday: 11.00–18.00 Saturday: 11.00–18.00, Sunday: 11.00–17.00 %BOLD_ON%Admission:%BOLD_OFF% £10 at the door - free re-admission with programme.
The Mayfair Antiques & Fine Art Fair London

The London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square


Tel. +44 (0)1797 252030.

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714