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Come and find us at the top of Falmouth's historic Old High Street an eclectic mix of independent traders, bars and cafes. Our shop is within a wonderful 17th Century Merchant's House which fronts the High Street and which we are also fortunate to call home. We specialise in quality decorative antiques, sourcing unique pieces with a particular passion for elegant furniture, 17th through to early 20th Century. Good Georgian furniture always in stock. Very happy to assist with advice on period interior design and sourcing of items on your 'wish list' if we do not have in stock. Home visit to appraise items for sale, valuation and local restoration. Opening hours are Mon - Sat 10.30am - 5pm. During winter months we are closed on a Monday.
Ludgate House Antiques

51a High Street
England, UK
TR11 2AF

Tel. 01326218619

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714