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For 2024 this fair will now operate as a one day Sunday fair. It takes place at the largest indoor venue in the county which is located just a short distance from the M25 (J28) and the A12. There is plenty of free parking and an onsite cafe. This fair is moving into its 31st year and features dealers and collectors selling a huge array of items. Don’t miss it. We are back using the whole hall, the largest in Essex with dealers from all over the country selling a huge selection of items. Who knows what you might find. Signposted from town centre. %BOLD_ON%Admission%BOLD_OFF% on the door is from 9am at £6 for early birds or from 10am the price drops to £4.50 or £3.50 for over 65s and students. Under 16s accompanied by an adult are free. Discounted admission tickets are available on Eventbrite via our website.
Brentwood Centre Antiques & Collectors Fair

The Brentwood Centre
Doddinghurst Road
CM15 9NN

Tel. 01621 493438

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714