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"Annie's" at unit 110 sells an ever changing kaleidoscope of vintage clothing and accessories. Our furniture is classy and classic/ funky and fun. Kitchenalia, costume jewellery and collectables - affordable antiques which complement traditional and contemporary taste.

Mining and local memorabilia complete the picture. I will source items at a fair price for our discerning regular customers.

Annie's unit is open 7 days 10 am to 4.30.

We also sell at the monthly Elsecar Antiques Fairs(dates available from centre).
Annies Parlour at Elsecar Antiques Centre

Elsecar Antiques Centre
Heritage Centre
Elsecar, Near Barnsley.
South Yorkshire
S74 8HJ

Tel. 01709 876548

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714