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Above 100 dealers trading at 184 tables with ~1000 collectors visiting each of our events. Antique & vintage deactivated guns & airguns, collectors edged weapons, bayonets, daggers, armor, uniforms, badges, medals, and other militaria. Indoor, ample free parking, disabled access, restaurant & toilets. %BOLD_ON%Open%BOLD_OFF% 8.30 (£8), 10.00 (£5), 14.30 Last entry, 15.00 Closing down.
The International Birmingham Antique Arms and Militaria Fair

The National Motorcycle Museum
Junction 6 of the M42
West Midlands
B92 0EJ

Tel. +44 7955 826009

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714