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This huge indoor venue will be packed full of stalls selling all manner of weird and wonderful items. From quality antiques, to vintage fashion, furniture to jewellery, collectables, curios or art. Herts Sports Village boasts a spacious, modern indoor arena capable of accommodating up to 250 indoor stalls. Situated conveniently on the A1001 alongside the A1(M) and the bustling Galleria shopping mall, the venue is easily accessible, just 5 miles from M25 South Mimms services. With its excellent facilities, including well-lit hall and carpeted flooring throughout, loading and unloading are a breeze thanks to large loading doors. Open: 10am - 4pm.
The Big Herts Antique & Vintage Fair

Hertfordshire Sports Village
De Havilland Campus, Hatfield Business Park
Hertfordshire, England
AL10 9EU

Tel. 07519 276507

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714