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Over 60 leading exhibitors of the finest vintage fashion, accessories, antique textiles, jewellery and costumes.

Pick up a piece of fashion history from as early as the 1900s-1990s. A popular destination for designers searching for inspiration, costume designers looking for authentic pieces as well as stylists, collectors & vintage lovers alike. We offer an on-the-spot alterations service so you don't have to compromise on the dream dress or suit too. There is ample FREE parking in the surrounding area on Sundays with an onsite cafe for food and refreshments.

%BOLD_ON%Open:%BOLD_OFF% 11.00am - 5.00pm. %BOLD_ON%Admission:%BOLD_OFF% £5 (£3 with NUS card).
Clerkenwell Vintage Fashion Fair

Royal National Hotel
38 – 51 Bedford Way

Tel. 07980 270 307

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714