Antique Daggers
Found 454 For Sale and Sold ( 137 for sale 317 sold )
$214.11 €207.85
Bayonet And Scabbard British Army 2WWSovereign Antiques
$214.11 €207.85
British Bayonet And Scabbard Sovereign Antiques
$85.65 €83.14
French Lebel Bayonet WW1Smiths Vintage
$238.58 €231.6
British Army Colonial Officers Swagger Stick DaggerSovereign Antiques
$605.63 €587.91
Japanese TantoSovereign Antiques
$1835.25 €1781.55
Samurais Small Tanto DaggerSovereign Antiques
$3058.75 €2969.25
Tanto Japanese Samurai Knife Sovereign Antiques
$360.93 €350.37
Scottish Boer War Period Fighting KnifeCAG Militaria
$214.11 €207.85
World War 2 , Fire Brigade Dagger German CAG Militaria
$134.59 €130.65
German World War 2 , K98 Bayonet CAG Militaria
$483.28 €469.14
World War I , Early Sawback German Bayonet CAG Militaria
$605.63 €587.91
Commando Dagger And Leather Scabbard William RogerSovereign Antiques
$299.76 €290.99
British Commando’s Fighting Knife And Scabbard 194Sovereign Antiques
$483.28 €469.14
Martini Henry Sawback BayonetCAG Militaria
$1162.33 €1128.32
Stunning Early KrisCAG Militaria
$146.82 €142.52
Socket Bayonet 1855 Prussian Smiths Vintage
$2752.88 €2672.33
German NPEA Dagger CAG Militaria
$177.41 €172.22
Brown Bess Bayonet And Scabbard Sovereign Antiques
$825.86 €801.7
World War II German Army Dagger Rare MakerCAG Militaria
$605.63 €587.91
Bayonet & Scabbard Rare Sovereign Antiques
$336.46 €326.62
German 1ww Soldiers Bayonet With Scabbard And FrogSovereign Antiques
$116.23 €112.83
Bayonet For Martin Henry Smiths Vintage
$3058.75 €2969.25
Samurai Tanto 18th Century Sovereign Antiques
$397.64 €386
C1475-1500 Large Single Edged DaggerForte Antiques York
$605.63 €587.91
1770s Silver Mounted French Hunting DirkForte Antiques York
$3609.33 €3503.72
Brown Bess Short Land Pattern Musket & Bayonet Sovereign Antiques
$91.76 €89.08
WW2 German Dress Bayonet Smiths Vintage
$152.94 €148.46
1888 Lee Metford Bayonet Smiths Vintage