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Catanachs Jewellers is one of the best leading jewellery shops in Melbourne where you find variety of diamond jewellery like earrings, bracelet, pendant, necklace, ring for bridal at very low cost. We provides types of jewellery valuation service in Melbourne. We help for choosing best jewellery for her and also give advice.

Whether you are looking for diamond rings, colored stone earrings or pearl necklaces, you will surely fall in love with the collections at Catanach’s Jewellers.

Serving customers in Melbourne for almost 5 decades, Catanach’s Jewellers has built a legacy and reputation of reliability. Along with jewellery collections, they also provide services like jewellery valuations, designing, repairs, pearl rethreading and more.
Catanachs Jewellers

1212 High Street Armadale Victoria 3143

Tel. (03) 9509 0311

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714