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Martlesham Antiques is a family run business and has been trading since 1984. We are located in Suffolk just outside Woodbridge and is run from a spacious thatched cottage housing nine large showrooms with a vast adjacent car park. Specialising in 18th and 19th century furniture, together with creating custom hand-made furniture which is supplied to various interior designers, trade and the retail market. Every piece on the showroom floor is in excellent condition and ready to go straight into the buyers home or premises. All of Martlesham Antiques furniture is hand polished by their own French polishers and restorers to a very high standard. We are also a member of LAPADA, the association of art and antiques.
Martlesham Antiques

Martlesham Antiques
The Thatched Roadhouse
Main Rd, Martlesham
IP12 4RJ

Tel. 01394 386732

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714