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Coppice Old Pine, specialist restorers and suppliers of Antique Pine, make to measure Honey Pine. Opening hours Tuesday to Saturday 10.30am to 4pm. Our large retail showrooms in Ross on Wye Herefordshire stocks over 150 pieces of Antique Pine, Honey Pine, vintage and painted items all in showroom condition ready for collection or delivery. Using elements of 19th century design and recreating the gorgeous rich colour of stripped pine pieces Honey Pine pieces can be custom made to fit any particular spot in your home. Alternatively items can be bought from stock - linen cupboards, housekeepers cupboards, bookshelves, blanket chests, dismantler wardrobes, bedside cabinets, tables, desks etc.
Coppice Old Pine

Ross Showrooms
Unit 4 Wolf Business Park
Ross on Wye

Tel. 07967274381

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714