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We start again on April 18th 2021 . Prices are now £6 for cars, £8.50 small vans and cars with trailers, Large vans £12, Covered stalls £12. organisers number 07817539168 Opening times are 6.30am but sensible people get there for 8am. So, just turn up from 8am this Sunday. We also have Covered stalls available each Sunday (£10). These are great for protection from the sun/rain and no need to bring a table Sellers tend to arrive at 8am onwards. The Car Boot is really popular as is Stonham Barns as it has Antiques/Upholsterers, many shops & attractions. Stonham also has 2 showgrounds with regular events.
Stonham Barns Sunday Car boot

Stonham Barns
Pettaugh Road
Stonham Aspal

Tel. 07817 539168

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714