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Astra Antiques is one of the biggest Independent Antique Centre's in England and based on the largest Antiques Hub in Europe - Old RAF Hemswell.

Throughout the last 26years Astra has been open, it has established itself as one of the must stop Trade Centre's to Dealers from all over the world.

Astra houses over 170+ Dealers and offers a mixture of Antiques & Collectables, Retro items, Vintage Clothes, Silverware, Clocks & Watches, Postcards, Taxidermy, Militaria, Jewellery and more.

Open 10am - 5pm 7 Days.
Astra Antiques Centre

Gibson road
Old RAF Hemswell,
Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough,
DN21 5TL

Tel. 01427 668312

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714