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1 day International Antiques and Flea (Trade only) Fair. Antiques, Interior Decoration, Design, Collectables and Vintage. Exhibitors from 18 countries and buyers from over 54 countries. This is strictly a TRADE only fair aimed at Antique Dealers, Architects and Interior Designers. Entry for buyers is only with a trade card obtained from the organisers (You need to be VAT registered etc.) Contact the organisers Cipolat SA for further details regarding entry. This fair is NOT open to the general public. %BOLD_ON%Open:%BOLD_OFF% 8am - 3pm.
Montpellier International Antiques and Flea (Trade only) Fair

Parc des expositions
Route de la Foire
34470 Perols
Montpellier, France

Tel. Tel. +33 (0) 466 200 219

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