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I am a fully accredited member of the British Antique Furniture Restorers' Association and a BAFRA committee member. My 600 sq ft workshop is on my premises and reduced overheads and non Vat registration mean we can offer competitive rates for good standards of restoration. We apply appropriate techniques and finishes to all periods of furniture. You are welcome to visit or bring furniture by appointment. There is adequate parking opposite the workshop. I am willing to visit your premises to asses and estimate costs for any project. I have an interest in vernacular furniture, and often have one or two good Windsor chairs etc. for sale.
Michael Goater - Antique Furniture Restoration

Risebridge Gables
Peasley Lane
TN17 1HP

Tel. 01580 212234

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714