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Antiques, Collectables, Arts and Craft Centre. Established over 14 years.

Over 50 units of Glass, China, Jewellery, Militaria, old garden tools, Vintage and Retro furniture from 17th - 20th Century.

Located 1 mile south of Wrexham on the A525 Wrexham to Whitchurch Road.

Open: 7 days per week 10am to 5pm, free admission & free parking.
Bryn-y-Grog Hall Emporium

Bryn-y-Grog Hall
Marchwiel, Wrexham
North Wales
Bryn-y-Grog Hall, Marchwiel, Wrexham, North Wales
LL13 0SR

Tel. 01978 355555

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714