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Northumberland largest antique centre, situation central in Morpeth as the castle style building directly opposite Carlisle Park, with over 60 sellers, selling a wide variety of antiques, vintage, and jewellery of all eras. With a FREE 35 space car park to side of our building, you can take as long as you need to browse our centre. With our centre being over two floors, and 4000 square feet, we always have space to put a furniture pitch or cabinet, contact us via email for more information. We also buy antiques on a large scale and offer antique house clearances too! we are open seven days a week: Monday-Saturday 9am-4pm, Sunday 10am-4pm.
Fannies Emporium Antique Centre

Castle Courthouse
Castle Bank
NE61 1YJ

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714