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Dandelion specialise in supplying Antique British Stone Troughs. We hold one of the largest stocks of Old Millstones and Grindstones in Northern England. Millstones make spectacular water features. Dandelion specialise in carving house names upon Old Millstones and Stone Rollers. We also stock Old Stone Garden Curiosities such as Gargoyles, Sun Dials, Stone Bird Baths, Stone Spheres. We also supply Standing Stones and Monoliths and Dandelion Quirky Industrial Tables. Opening hours 10am to 5pm or by appointment.
Dandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques

World From Rough Stones House
Farling Top
North Yorkshire
BD22 0NW

Tel. 01535 637153

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714