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 We use both traditional and modern repair techniques to repair most types of metal ware including brass, copper, aluminium, steel, iron, spelter and pewter. We do silver soldering, braising, soft soldering and tig welding. We also do turning of missing components and hand made sculpted missing parts.  We can rewire all types of antique, vintage or modern lighting, as well as convert from gas and oil to electricity. We can also transform pots, vases, wooden items etc into lamps. All completed by a qualified and very well experienced professional restorer. All lighting is flash safety tested. We can polish all metals from rusty iron to silverware. We also offer a Lacquering service with 2 different lacquer types.. A fine lacquer for brass, copper and silver or a heavy lacquer for steel and iron. We usually advise against Lacquering pewter and aluminium but this can be done if required. Updated on 15th February 2022
Bygone Lighting Antiques

52 carden hill
east sussex

Tel. 07707926393

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714