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Manchester's iconic city centre music store has been at the heart of the city's music making since 1857. Still family owned and run, it is now the UK's largest independent music retailer spanning over 5 spacious floors (15,000sq ft) with a huge range of instruments and accessories, sheet music and recordings to choose from. Of particular interest to those interested in antiques, we specialise in acoustic pianos and accessories and stock a wide selection of instruments from the 1880s to the modern day. We have our own on-site workshops where we repair, service and tune instruments for stock as well as work on customers pianos. We also stock antique piano stools. We are a 'general' music shop but have several specialist departments. The other most relevant to those interested in antiques is our string department where we sell violins, violas, cellos and double bases of a wide range of vintages. In normal (non-Covid pandemic) times we are open 7 days per week 9am-5.3pm Monday to Saturday and 11am-5pm on Sundays.
Forsyth Brothers Ltd

126 Deansgate
Greater Manchester
M3 2GR

Tel. 01618343281

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714