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60 exhibitors, UKs best independent dealers specialising in Mid-century Furniture, Retro, Lighting, Ceramics, Vintage, Textiles and Artwork. Find well known pieces produced by British makers such as G-Plan, Ercol, Stag to more sought-after Danish makers and mass market Retro & Kitsch household classics! %BOLD_ON%Open:%BOLD_OFF% 10.30am-3.30pm. %BOLD_ON%Admission:%BOLD_OFF% Early Bird Admission 10:30-11am £6. Standard Admission 11-3.30pm, £4 adults, children under 16 years Go Free,
The Vintage Home Show - Manchester

Victoria Baths
Hathersage Road,
England, UK
M13 0FE

Tel. 07825 090143

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