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Fern Avenue is a family run antiques centre with a passion for antiques and unusual curios. Over the last 10 years we’ve grown to be the largest antiques centre in the North East headed up by partners in crime Seppe and Clare. Pop in and see us, you’ll always find a warm friendly welcome, personal service and exciting new stock. We play host to a community of over 20 local dealers who cover every inch of the UK and beyond bringing you new items, little and large, on a daily basis. We cater for every taste, style and budget with prices from just £1 and we pride ourselves on the variety of items available.
Fern Avenue Antiques Centre

75-79 Fern Avenue
Tyne & Wear

Tel. 019 1209 4104

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714